Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thanksgiving Day

I'm giving thanks early this year, because I am lucky enough to have a special committee formed in my honor at the local Municipality.  Yes, the Comite Multisectorial de Salud was formed for the sole purpose of overseeing my projects...hopefully NOT because the authorities are suspicious of my motives and my ability to manage project funds...and probably NOT because they cannot imagine how a foreigner who knows very little about their way of life could possibly implement a successful project...certainly not! 

They are very invested in working with me and making sure that I (and my collaborators) have everything we need to get the projects off the ground.  One project will benefit families with children under 3 years of age and the other will benefit adolescents in my district.

Many thanks to the hardworking folks on the Comite Multisectorial de Salud:

Pretty please approve my projects when I present them to you on Friday - thanks again! :-)